Fortnightly sessions

The Training Apiary meets fortnightly on Sunday mornings, usually from 10.00 – 12.00. Starting from April, weather permitting, and finishing in early October, typically with a few glasses of mead!
These are hands-on sessions working with bees through the season, including;-
- Hive inspections
- Spring management
- Queen rearing
- Honey extraction (hopefully) and bottling
- Diseases & pests
- Winter preparation
Most sessions are introduced with a brief chat on a seasonal topic (also providing the opportunity for latecomers to arrive!); these might include Asian Hornets, Artificial Swarming Techniques, Varroa management etc…. Once the hives are closed up, we gather for tea and cakes – thankfully there are some star bakers in the group!

Natural bee husbandry (treatment free) techniques are taught and chemical varroacides are also demonstrated.
The Training Apiary is free for members of Westerham Beekeepers and for the occasional session for those thinking about joining.

Visit our Training Apiary Facebook site for updates through the season.
For details of taster sessions or attending the training apiary, please contact .